To be considered for the Board of Directors, members are selected or elected from one of the four volunteer clubs that help oversee the rodeo grounds: the Springville Women’s Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9499, Springville Lion’s Club, and Backcountry Horsemen of California. Each club appoints two representatives to serve on the Rodeo Board, in addition to fulfilling their own club responsibilities. Additionally, a select number of “At Large” positions are awarded to exceptional individuals who go above and beyond to support the rodeo and the community. All positions are voluntary, and board members generously dedicate their time and efforts to help make the Springville Rodeo the “Biggest Little Rodeo in the West.” Below is a list of the individuals currently serving on our Board of Directors:To be on the Board of Directors, members are selected/elected from one of the four volunteer clubs that oversee the rodeo grounds. They are: Women’s Club, Veterans of Foreign War, Lion’s Club, and Backcountry Horsemen. Each club sends two representatives to serve on the Rodeo Board in addition to their club commitments. There are also a select number of “At Large” positions given to outstanding men and women that go above and beyond to support our rodeo and the community. All positions are voluntary and members give generously of their time to make this the “Biggest Little Rodeo in the West”. The following is a list of the individuals serving as our Board Members:
Veterans of Foreign War

Women's Club

Backcountry Horsemen

Lions Club

Members at Large